Bermuda Grass

Bermudagrass is widely used for all kinds of turf in warm humid and warm semi-arid regions. It thrives best where the average daily temperature is above 77 degrees Fahrenheit and stops growing under 61 degrees, turning brown at temperatures below 50 degrees. Bermudagrass does not tolerate shade, poor drainage, or high soil acidity. It is a very drought resistant grass but for normal growth it needs water and can't be grown in arid regions without irrigation. Due to good wear tolerance and good recuperation, it is an ideal sports turf grass. It is also very tolerant to close mowing, making it suitable for golf greens.

Riviera Bermudagrass

Information coming.


Wrangler bermudagrass was developed by the Johnston Seed Co. using breeding lines licensed by Oklahoma State University. It is an excellent choice for pasture, hay, or soil conservation in temperate and subtropical regions. Wrangler is well adapted to the transition zone of the United States where winterkill of Arizona common and other bermudagrasses is a problem.

Planting Preparation: 

  • Plant in a firm, clean seedbed in the late spring when soil temperatures reach 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Plantings through the summer months are successful if moisture is available for germination and seedling establishment.

  • Planting rate: 8-12 lb/acre

  • Depth: 1/8" in heavy soils to 1/4" on sandy soils

  • Fertilizer: A fertilizer low in nitrogen but high in phosphorus and potassium is recommended as a starter to promote seedling vigor without promoting excessive weed growth. Increase nitrogen as seedlings develop.

  • Weed control: Not recommended in the seedling stage except for very light applications of 2,4D to control broadleaves. Residual herbicides are not recommended in the first 60 days.

  • Harvesting schedule: Every 30 to 60 days depending on fertility and soil moisture. More frequent cuttings provide higher quality forage with less total dry matter. Fewer cuttings will reduce quality but increase dry matter production.