Creeping Red Fescue

Known for its fine textured leaves and low maintenance qualities, Creeping Red is most widely used for turf purposes. It produces a very fine textured turf with high shoot density, uniformity and quality. Red fescue can be distinguished from chewings and sheep fescues by the type of shoot development that results in a creeping growth habit. The degree of rhizome development is less than for Kentucky bluegrass. 

Red fescue is superior to most cool season turf grasses in shade adaptation. It is capable of more rapid leaf growth than the other turfgrass species when grown under reduced light intensity. The quality and shoot density of red fescue turf grown under shaded conditions will not be as good as when grown in full sunlight. Water use rate of red fescue is much lower and the drought tolerance superior to bluegrass and creeping bentgrass. Wear tolerance is medium. Red fescue is used in mixtures with Kentucky bluegrass. 

Planting Preparation:

  • Seeding rate 6-8# per 1000 sq. ft

  • Plant in September or March-April